Visit-to-visit systolic blood pressure variability and outcomes in hemodialysis

La reanudación del Diplomado  Atención al Paciente Hipertenso se efectuará  el día viernes 4 de Septiembre, a las 9 am.  y que se efectuará, como está programado,  en el Anfiteatro del Hospital Calixto García. La coordinadora de este módulo de " HTA y cerebro" es la Profesora Dra.  Yamilé Valdés   con la que  puden comunicarse  por: 

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Visit-to-visit systolic blood pressure variability and outcomes in hemodialysis

Revista Journal HypertensionPor: T I Chang1, J E Flythe, S M Brunelli, P Muntner, T Greene, A K Cheung y G M Chertow.  Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 28, 18–24.

Visit-to-visit blood pressure variability (VTV-BPV) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular events and death in the general population. We sought to determine the association of VTV-BPV with outcomes in patients on hemodialysis, using data from a National Institutes of Health-sponsored randomized trial (the HEMO study). We used the coefficient of variation (CV) and the average real variability in systolic blood pressure (SBP) as metrics of VTV-BPV. In all, 1844 out of 1846 randomized subjects had at least three visits with SBP measurements and were included in the analysis.

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