Effects of Immediate Blood Pressure Reduction on Death and Major Disability in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke

La reanudación del Diplomado  Atención al Paciente Hipertenso se efectuará  el día viernes 4 de Septiembre, a las 9 am.  y que se efectuará, como está programado,  en el Anfiteatro del Hospital Calixto García. La coordinadora de este módulo de " HTA y cerebro" es la Profesora Dra.  Yamilé Valdés   con la que  puden comunicarse  por: 

Teléfono  7838 2205    o  por Email:  yamile.valdes@infomed.sld.cu

Effects of Immediate Blood Pressure Reduction on Death and Major Disability in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke

ComentadoPor: Jiang He, MD, PhD; Yonghong Zhang, MD, PhD; Tan Xu, MD, PhD; Qi Zhao, MD, PhD; Dali Wang, MD; Chung-Shiuan Chen, MS; Weijun Tong, MD; Changjie Liu, MD; Tian Xu, MD; Zhong Ju, MD; Yanbo Peng, MD; et al.
Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the leading cause of serious, long-term disability worldwide.1 Clinical trials have documented that lowering blood pressure reduces the risk of stroke in hypertensive and normotensive patients with a history of stroke or transient ischemic attack. Although the benefit of lowering blood pressure for primary and secondary prevention of stroke has been established, the effect of immediate antihypertensive treatment in patients with acute ischemic stroke and elevated blood pressure is uncertain.  Elevated blood pressure is common during acute ischemic stroke.

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