Knowledge of blood pressure in a UK general public population

La reanudación del Diplomado  Atención al Paciente Hipertenso se efectuará  el día viernes 4 de Septiembre, a las 9 am.  y que se efectuará, como está programado,  en el Anfiteatro del Hospital Calixto García. La coordinadora de este módulo de " HTA y cerebro" es la Profesora Dra.  Yamilé Valdés   con la que  puden comunicarse  por: 

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Knowledge of blood pressure in a UK general public population

Por: J Slark, M S Khan, P Bentley y P Sharma.  Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 28, 500–503

journal-of-human-hypertensionLittle is known about the general public’s understanding of the role of blood pressure (BP) in contributing to heart disease and stroke. This study aimed to gain a wider understanding of the knowledge and awareness of BP in a selected London population. As part of a stroke awareness campaign, members of the public were offered BP testing and were asked about their knowledge and awareness of BP. Descriptive statistics were employed to explore knowledge and awareness of BP. ?2-test was run to explore the difference between knowledge and awareness of BP, and whether there was a difference in BP readings in normotensive and hypertensive participants. A total of 1019 participants (males 295; mean age 54 years, range 16–92) were recruited with a mean BP of 130/77 mmHg

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