Predictors of plasma and urinary catecholamine levels in normotensive and hypertensive men and women

La reanudación del Diplomado  Atención al Paciente Hipertenso se efectuará  el día viernes 4 de Septiembre, a las 9 am.  y que se efectuará, como está programado,  en el Anfiteatro del Hospital Calixto García. La coordinadora de este módulo de " HTA y cerebro" es la Profesora Dra.  Yamilé Valdés   con la que  puden comunicarse  por: 

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Predictors of plasma and urinary catecholamine levels in normotensive and hypertensive men and women

Journal of Human HypertensionPor: A R Saxena, B Chamarthi, G H Williams, P N Hopkins y E W Seely.  Journal of Human Hypertension (2014) 28, 292–297.

Age, sex, hypertension and dietary sodium are proposed to affect plasma and urinary catecholamines. Yet no prior study has examined the simultaneous effects of these factors within the same study population. So results may have been confounded by factors not determined. We investigate, for the first time, the impact of simultaneously determined predictors of plasma and urinary catecholamines and the relationship of catecholamines with the diagnosis of hypertension. Hypertensive and normotensive subjects (n=308) were studied off antihypertensives in liberal and low sodium balance. 24?h urinary catecholamines (norepinephrine and epinephrine) were measured. Plasma catecholamines were measured supine after overnight fast.