Novel treatment approaches in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients

La reanudación del Diplomado  Atención al Paciente Hipertenso se efectuará  el día viernes 4 de Septiembre, a las 9 am.  y que se efectuará, como está programado,  en el Anfiteatro del Hospital Calixto García. La coordinadora de este módulo de " HTA y cerebro" es la Profesora Dra.  Yamilé Valdés   con la que  puden comunicarse  por: 

Teléfono  7838 2205    o  por Email:

Los trabajos y opiniones que aquí se exponen son orientadores de lo que se publica en Cuba y en el mundo sobre aspectos relevantes de la hipertensión arterial.


Novel treatment approaches in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients

Por: Yaniel Castro Torres and Richard E Katholi.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension (HTN) represent two common conditions worldwide. They increase the risk for the development of cardiovascular diseases with adverse clinical outcomes including disabilities and mortality. The International Diabetes Federation reports that diabetes kills one person every six seconds and afflicts 382 million people worldwide. The federation estimates that the number of people affected by the disease is expected to climb to 592 million by 2035.
DM is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by impairment in glucose, lipid and protein metabolism, resulting from alterations in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. While four types of DM have been classified, T2DM is the most prevalent and accounts for 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases.